It has been a very long time since last I visited here. There are times when we get a little overwhelmed in our lives and forget some of the good work we've done in the past. I got to feeling a bit nostalgic today and decided to look up my old digs.
Anyway, for those who still are out there and patiently waiting... (you know who you are)...
It seems that things are beginning to start up again... no-no.... not the "bid" process for a paramedic provider.... no-no-no.... THE GAMES!!! They're starting up playing their games everyone! And, just when you think you have it all figured out here in our beautiful city, a new bout of political games are about to begin... So, here is my helpful little plan for you... I'm going to spend the time and energy to bring everyone up to speed on the political inner-workings of the San Diego City saga, "Ambulance Wars...(a new soap-opera drama, designed and dedicated to those crazy politicians downtown, and the puppet masters that pull their strings)
Since last I visited all of you.... Career politician Bob Filner, the now defrocked and disgraced former Mayor of San Diego, rose to power with what I thought was one of the most deceptive and underhanded political campaigns I've ever seen, defiling the good name and solid voting record of former Staff Sgt., Nick Popaditch.
A Silver Star awardee for valor under fire, the former Staff Sgt. was recruited by his community to run against Bob Filner for the congressional seat that he held at the time. Three days prior to the election, the Filner campaign spent approximately $250,000.00 to broadcast an add during the World Series, smearing the good name of Nick Popaditch, and dragging his honor through the filth of his politically twisted campaign cesspool.
It wasn't really unexpected immediately following the Mayoral election here in San Diego, to find out that Good 'ol Bob Filner had put off the upcoming paramedic services contract for a two year span, so that he could appoint a committee to "study" the whole issue of EMS delivery within San Diego, following a recent discovery of questionable bookkeeping practices on the part of Rural Metro, who was one half of the "joint venture" that the city and Rural Metro had entered into, "San Diego Medical Services Enterprise."
- While an "independent"audit of the accounting and bookkeeping practices for San Diego Medical Services Enterprise, by Rural Metro were scrutinized by an independent accounting team, hired by Rural Metro, "found no evidence of wrong doing," what wasn't widely known was the terms of the audit agreement that the city officials bought into.... (a shoe drops...)
- The City agreed to a clause in the terms of the audit conducted by Rural Metro's hired accounting firm, that any wrong doing on their part had to demonstrate conclusive proof that the company had used inappropriate accounting principles in their bookkeeping and operating practices, if not found then the city would have to exonerate the company... And so, Rural Metro was absolved of the crime.... (wait for it... wait for it.... "thud"... That was the OTHER other shoe dropping)
- But how is it that you can't prove wrong-doing?? I mean, they couldn't find a "smoking gun" that would have proved inappropriate bookkeeping, because RM refused to provide the accounting firm all of the records that were needed to conduct a complete and through investigation, and they weren't compelled to provide the documents, because it wasn't part of the agreement terms. (God, I want to be that lawyer! He got a HUGE bonus for that clause in the arrangement... !)
- It's my understanding that the terms were that their had to be some sort of conclusive proof of wrong doing.... but if your not being compelled to provide every record linked to the now defunct joint partnership, just the records from the partnership... (getting the picture?!!!)
When Bob Filner was removed or stepped down (all political correctness being observed, so as not to piss the pundits off), out the door went the "sweet-heart deal" and RM's "investment" in Mr. Filner's campaign. So, it was once again "game-on"! (Or..... maybe not.)
So, here we are... pushing on into June... where we should be geared-up to begin the competitive bidding process for the paramedic services contract the City of San Diego is required by by state law to conduct, the issue remains "up-in-the-air." Why??? Oh, I'm sure if we ask them that the city council will come up with some kind of answer. But for now kids... I want you all to put on your "special detective thinking caps" for a few minutes and consider the "unanswered" question... Oh, yes.... City Council members... You too!!!
Questions (You may NOT answer questions with"the citizens would suffer," If you do, you will receive a zero for your grade)
- Why did Bob Filner want to give Rural Metro a 2-year extension to "study" the administration of the contract, when it was somewhat certain that the tide was going to likely run against Rural Metro??? Who was going to benefit... and who in that two years would likely suffer from such a decision?? ( Pick me teacher, pick me... I know who.... )
- What were the findings of the independent audit? Did you get to see the report? Who benefitted? who will likely suffer from this audit report?
- With new city council elections coming to San Diego in the near future, of the City Council members that stood against Rural Metro, feeling that there was indeed misconduct, and questionable business practices... Who would the extension of the existing contract for paramedic services benefit, and why would it benefit them? Who would stand to lose, and what would they lose, if the extension of the Paramedic Services contract is allowed to continue?
- Bonus Questions - (may be used for re-election extra credit)
- Who do you think will still be in office when a new paramedic contract is ratified for the city, and why do you believe they'll be still be there?
- Can you tell me when the present paramedic service contract for the City of San Diego is set to expire? When do you believe it will be re-bid?
Thanks you.... Have a nice day every one!!!
Oh yea... San Diego City Council... Love ya, kiss-kiss, hug-hug!!! Enjoy your retirement... And, Mayor Kevin... good luck... it WILL be a tough road ahead with a new City Council around the corner.
Laurie.... Say "Hi" to Job... tell him to also say "Hi' to Phil F and Bob...
Caspar Friendly-ghost
(aka; The Ghost Medic)
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